Polski Owczarek Nizinny


The PON is a strong, well muscled, thick-coated dog. The double coat can be of any color or pattern; white, gray, and brown are most common, with black, gray, or brown markings. It is common for colors to fade as the dogs reach adulthood. The undercoat is soft and dense, while the topcoat is rough and either straight or wavy, but not curly. The hair around the head makes the head appear to be larger than it actually is, and typically covers the eyes.

Males are 45 – 50 cm in height at the withers, while females are 42 – 47 cm. Males typically weigh between 20 - 25 kg, females, 15 - 20 kg. The body is just off square, it appears rectangular due to the abundance of coat on the chest and rear; the ratio of the height to the body length should be 9:10 (a 45 cm tall dog should have a body 50 cm long). The tail is either very short, middle or long. Most european countries have banned docking and many PONs now have tails of varying lengths.


Polish Lowland Sheepdogs are stable and self-confident. They have an excellent memory and can be well trained, but may dominate a weak owner. PONs adapt well to various conditions, and are popular as companion dogs. PONs require a moderate amount of exercise daily.

Der PON hat heute einen Platz als Familienhund gefunden und erfreut sich wachsender Beliebtheit. Stark auf seine Menschen geprägt ist er Fremden gegenüber zunächst reserviert. Innerhalb seiner Familie ist der PON sehr anhänglich und verspielt, nimmt aber auch pflichtbewusst seine Aufgabe als Wachhund wahr. Besucher werden zuverlässig gemeldet. Er zeigt typischerweise ein ausgeprägtes Hüteverhalten, Jagdverhalten ist hingegen wenig bis gar nicht ausgeprägt. Das Temperament des PON ist lebhaft aber gemäßigt. Er ist intelligent, wachsam und mit einem hervorragenden Gedächtnis und ausgezeichneter Aufnahmebereitschaft ausgestattet. Der PON ist ein guter Futterverwerter und widerstandsfähig gegenüber klimatischen Gegebenheiten. Seine Erziehung gestaltet sich mit liebevoller Konsequenz einfach. Dank seines Arbeitswillens, seines starken Willens, zu gefallen und seines ausgezeichneten Gedächtnisses lässt sich der PON zu einem zuverlässigen Begleithund ausbilden. Dabei ist es für ihn wichtig, seinen Lebensmittelpunkt in der Familie zu haben. Eine Zwingerhaltung ist daher ausgeschlossen.

Ursprünglich war der Polski Owczarek Nizinny Hüte- und Wachhund. Da er für diese Aufgaben kaum noch Verwendung findet, wird er heute oft als zuverlässiger Begleithund gehalten. Durch seine Wendigkeit eignet sich der PON für viele Hundesportarten wie Agility, Obedience oder Dogdancing. Auch als Behindertenbegleithund ist er im Einsatz und in Rettungshundestaffeln hat er sich vielfach bewährt.

Lhasa Apso


The Lhasa Apso is a small, very well musceled dog with a double coat. The undercoat is softer, the covering should be hard coat, like goat-hair.

The dogs should be 25 cm in height at the withers, while females slightly smaller. Males typically weigh between 7-9 kg, females, 6-8 kg. The body is rectangular. The tail is well carried over the back.


Lhasa Apsos are very self-confident dogs. They are very intelligent and can be well trained, but may dominate a weak-willed owner. Lhasa Apsos can also live in appartments, but want her daily walk and are good partners for wandering.The Lhasa Apso is proud and self-willed a very self-confident dog. Opposite strangers it is reserved and makes friends themselves not directly with everyone. If one understands it however to win its confidence he is very lovely and flexible. Lhasa Apsos do not have an independent character and to know obedience, i.e. by force one cannot reach anything with it, he wants to be convinced. It would like to be an equivalent family member. Some Lhasa Apsos disagreeable persons consciously or they absence to ignore them simply, without yapping thereby. It can not without close contact with its humans prosper, wants with its humans be constant and shows thereby its affection very clearly. Lhasas are very attentive and owing to its good aural acuity distinguished of awake dogs. Each visitor is announced by barking, as soon as however a family member welcomed the visitor, is immediately peace. The visitor is kept however nevertheless in the eye. Continuous yapping is strange to the Lhasa Apso. By their unlocked Temperament and by their perseverance they love it to make long walkings or migrations. Owing to its strong muscles and a large lung capacity he belongs to the persistent and hardened races. Its characteristics and his behavior make him ideal family-and housing dog, which looks for the society of humans, bear however no longer however its. The Lhasa Apso is a very special dog and needs a special kind of owner, who also understands this dog.